My first contribution to website
I am so grateful for the ongoing effort to improve the Ruby documentation done by Stan Lo.
I think we should try to contribute too in any way we can and make the documentation welcoming for new people who might join our community and start learning.
For example, a while back, while reading some materials for the ShortRuby Newsletter, I encountered people who were confused about which one was the official Ruby documentation.
So I just tried to do a small PR about it:

I think there are a lot of opportunities to contribute. It does not matter if you are a beginner or expert. You can make the Ruby documentation better.
If you don't know how to contribute, I think you should read Stan Lo's article about his vision on Ruby documentation, where he also shares how other people can contribute: A RDoc Maintainer's View on Ruby's Documentation
On the same direction of improving documentation, there is also this project by Masafumi Okura that won one of the three 2024 Ruby Association Grants that has as objective to create a plugin system for RDoc: