Image of Lucian Ghinda writing for
February 7th, 2025

When posting on Bluesky or Mastodon use hashtags

A gentle reminder: please use #Ruby or #Rails when posting about Ruby or Ruby on Rails on Bluesky and Mastodon.

It helps with content discovery, and the search works much better, IMO when looking for hashtags.

Include Hashtags

Let me add another thought: 

  • I recommend to tag with \#Ruby and \#Rails because Rails uses Ruby :) 
  • There should not be a need to say this out loud, but I discovered a lot of content tagged only with Rails, which says something about how massive Rails is in the Ruby world.

I am approaching this from the perspective of someone who, let's say, just found out about Ruby on Rails and tries to search on Bluesky or Mastodon.

If they search for #Ruby, they should also see #Rails content and get inspired about what they could achieve with it.

Why do I talk here about Bluesky and Mastodon? 
For example, Twitter or Linkedin have their own algorithm to push content, and I am not sure hashtags are any part of it. It seems to me that what matters there is the virality of the post. But if you post on Linkedin or Twitter please do add hash tags there too. 

PS: It works for other topics, too!