Image of Lucian Ghinda writing for
August 5th, 2024

Short Ruby Newsletter - edition 101 published

I published the 101 edition of Short Ruby Newsletter, including so many code samples, ideas, new gems, updates and a lot of content to watch, listen or read:


Highlights from Short Ruby Newsletter - edition 101
Highlights from Short Ruby Newsletter - edition 101

This edition is sponsored by Snappify:

"Snappify is a powerful design tool that enables developers to create stunning presentations and videos. Leverage snappify’s ability’s to create technical presentations with various ways to animate your code snippets"

In the last two months almost all my code samples are made with Snappify and I already delivered a beautiful presentation about Modern #Ruby Syntax where the entire presentation was created using Snappify.

Here is an example of my content on Snappify:

A part of my account on Snappify
A part of my account on Snappify