Three Ruby Links #1
If I were to recommend three articles published last week to read, here is what I would recommend:
1️⃣ The Fixing the Rails 7+ networking stack by Thomas Cannon
Thomas explores the tech stack he chose for building his project, Little CRM. I like articles where people explain their decisions when building a new product. This article is a very good deep dive, covering the whys and hows with code samples for the chosen tech stack.

2️⃣ An Introduction to HTTP Caching in Ruby On Rails by Julian Rubisch
This is a very good deep dive and also a tutorial into doing HTTP caching in Ruby on Rails. Julian covers a lot of cases, shares code samples and discusses when to use and what to use in some specific conditions. He also talks about compromises and limitations of using the techniques described in the article.

3️⃣ How to Render CSS Dynamically in Rails by Ross Kaffenberger
Ross shared an interesting technique for rendering CSS dynamically with Ruby on Rails. This is a good tutorial in which - among many other good examples - he renders a CSS file from a Rails action and makes a controller to set the color scheme for the web application. It has a lot of examples and shares the approach step by step.

You can find a lot more articles to read in the full edition of Short Ruby Newsletter at